Juha Saarinen wrote:
Jonathan Brewer wrote:
I tried InternetNZ with this very question about a year ago, and the answer was no.
I guess there was no follow-up along the lines of "... but we're working on it"?
I wrote a "mesh traceroute" program a while ago that gives a good feel for the topology of the New Zealand internet. http://tr.meta.net.nz/ Traceroute to an international site and you can see the main exit points for the country. Traceroute to an internal site and you can see how people get traffic there. You can put up your own "tr.php" which gives another source to be added into the mesh. Also, Pascal's netlantis project (which he posts about here intermitantly) can provide AS paths between ISP's. Unfortunately it's down right now, although when I talked to him just now he says it'll be back up in a week or two.