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We are currently having an issue with one of our Exchange servers sending email to user mailboxes on Xtra.
Is anyone else having this issue?
(It would be nice to know that we're not the only ones being picked on by Yahoo.)
If you dig through the archives you will see this has been discussed a few times before.
The outcome: You have three choices.
1. Spend an unbelievable amount of time filling in forms and following broken links on the Yahoo site trying to get your servers whitelisted; eventually throwing your hands up into the air as you come to the realisation that no one @ Yahoo cares about your problem, in fact you begin to wonder if the procedure you just followed was designed to make you give up.
2. Throw you hands up now.
3. Drink a lot of beer and choose between 1 and 2 above.
I appreciate the beer drinking. I don't really drink much beer, but I think I'm going to need to by the end of the day. So.. what I've so far gleaned from the archives, and from talking to whoever I can get my hands-around-the-neck-of, is that I need to talk to all the individual users at xtra we are sending mail to, and have them browse their email with webmail, go into their Spam folder, and select mail that isn't spam, and click on a not-spam link for each piece of spam-that-isn't-spam. That is going to be a nightmare, and I don't want to do it. Surely there must be some other resolution to the issue? I know that moving everyone away from Xtra would work, but that is also a very big move, especially as we have people that will refuse to give up their long-standing email addresses at Xtra. Cheers, Michael Hutchinson