On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 7:02 PM, Michael Fincham
-> We need to stop looking at Alexa's "top 100" websites for IPv6 support and being disappointed - we need to be looking at a much smaller proportion of the "top sites" as this is where "all of the traffic" is actually going. Facebook, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, Akamai and GGC cache nodes. It's a port 80 world and a few sites dominate :
For some stats I presented recently: 29% of alexa top 100 websites have IPv6 13.8% of alexa top 1000 websites have IPv6 5.6% of alexa top 10,000 websites have IPv6 5.6% of alexa top 1,000,000 websites have IPv6 Top 10 Alexa sites = 60% with IPv6. With sites number 2,3 and 91 (facebook, youtube, netflix; in north america anyway) accounting for around 60% of network traffic - this is which higher IPv6 stats can be seen :)