Hi Folks,
I think this is a good time for me to pitch in my 2c (in agreement with Russell) to mention that I think the rules for a mailing list should evolve as per what the participants on the list want, and indeed what is commonly happening on the list. I don't think there has been much movement in the official 'rules' for nznog recently as for the most part we're a pretty self-regulating lot.
Most recently I find there are a lot of people posting 'me too', 'this isn't appropriate!' and 'this should stop' type posts. This sort of stuff should really get taken off list and sent directly to whoever is the percieved culprit and/or one of the list moderators, and indeed this is noted in the rules already. From looking at the above few posts, and the lack of complaints to any prior job postings, I think it's fair to say that not many people have a problem with job listings here. So long as it's all civil, does there really need to be an official amendment to the rules, if it's not causing a problem?
Moaning about what is and isn't appropriate really just drives up the noise level on the list making it less useful to everyone. Instead, maybe you should start posting something constructive about what you believe to be the barriers to IPV6 adoption in NZ, or what neat network monitoring software you've just written and are providing to the world for free.
So, to get this list back on track, I'd love to come back to NZ in December and see some really nice unbundled ADSL2+ services with REAL IPv6 connectivity, but I think at the moment the problem with that is the consumer grade CPE equipment just won't handle it. Maybe the ISPs who are buying bulk CPE stock should really be demanding better IPv6 support. Mucking around with obscure telnet commands just to get your IPv6 tunnel working isn't the way to get IPv6 adopted quicker.
As far as actual useful contributions, I've updated my data at http://jedi.school.nz/nzdg.html
with the most recent data supplied by the DNC. And yes, I fixed those awful colours on the graphs :)
Yep. This thread should end.
Nathan Ward wrote:
> Are we having a meta-meta conversation?
> On 28/05/2007, at 9:59 PM, Daniel Appleton wrote:
>> Agreed, theres far too much moaning about inappropriate posts.
>> d.
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