On 15/06/11 10:18 AM, "Mehmet Akcin"
as a long time lurker of this list and know little about root dnssec ops , should .NZ folks need any help or need suggestions on anything related to ceremonies or KMF building/operating etc, feel very free to ask on or off-list.
I guess the next question what are .nz registrar's/ISPs going to do regarding DNSSEC. As I work for a Registrar/ISP I have spent the last week working out a prototype on a couple of name servers running DNSSEC, signing, rolling, sending to the .nz registery etc etc and "it works" but there is a lot of planning and automation that has been done before it can go anywhere near production. What are people going to run as authoritative servers for DNSSEC ? Bind? PowerDNS ? OpenDNSSEC ? Windows? Other Commercial Program? Are ISP's going to turn on DNSSEC/Validation on their own Recursive Name Servers as well? Lots of other questions but if any other Registrar's/ISP want to discuss regarding what they are going I will listen. Thanks Craig