Hi all,
I hope this isn't too far off topic.
What's available in the way of managed switches (at least including
802.1q VLANs) at a suitable price for a small office?
The (8-port) one I bought 4 years ago, even at the time the https ui
didn't work, because browsers had stopped supporting old certs or
ciphers or something. I raised it with the wholesaler, who raised it
with the manufacturer - no new firmware ever came out. I couldn't load
my own cert onto it either.
Is there anything better around, at a reasonable price?
I'm not keen on what I understand is the cisco model either, where you
have to maintain a support contract to get any updates.
Stretching even further - I don't suppose there's anything out there
with fully Free (as in freedom) firmware? Does SDN give us that?
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your suppliers (or self) in public :-)
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