Value their jobs ? It's company policy to NOT advertise major outtages ? I'm more referring to current outtages, if anything. LET PEOPLE KNOW.
I know departments in large provides that have a policy of not advising of planned outages, let alone unplanned (not implying that this is TC's). The techs/helpdesk in companies in companies that do not provide full information they are usual following their company policies or guidelines (or working with what they at the time). If techs/helpdesk doesn't give out information for policy reason, in my view the best people to try and change with this with are your account managers. Thanks Scott Walsh Service Implementation Specialist Logical CSI Level 2, 48 Greys Ave, P.O Box 5379, Wellesley Street, Auckland, New Zealand Tel: +64 9 359 4104 Fax: +64 9 309 3242 Mob: +64 21 307 763 This email communication does not create or vary any contractual relationship between Logical and you. Internet communications are not secure and accordingly Logical does not accept any legal liability for the contents of this message. The contents of this email are confidential to the intended recipient at the email address to which it has been addressed. It may not be disclosed to or used by anyone other than this addressee, nor may it be copied in any way. If received in error, please contact Logical on 0800 802 729 quoting the name of the sender and the addressee and then delete it from your system. Please note that neither Logical nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan the email and attachments (if any).