1) Yes - and we're spending a few $000 a month to tele-house a 2851 at LAX which we use GRE + NAT at the LAX end to get around these IP restrictions. 2) There isn't much one can do to get Sky to stop holding all the rights to anything people want to watch online. If InternetNZ did have any influence, then using it to get the various studios to roll their rights into a single package and not allow exclusive deals would lead to the likes of Netflix/Hulu etc launching in NZ. 3) I think it's risky to do it on a mass market basis, we've been very quietly sourcing masses of USD$100 iTunes cards (until the recent loophole opened with a certain prepaid credit card). You'd be amazed the number of users out there who are doing anything they can to get US-only content. I'd say our user base alone are spending over $1M NZD each year just on iTunes US content, then they have their Netflix accounts. Have seen some talk on Geekzone with people speculating by saying there's no way iTunes/Netflix streaming from the US would work for NZ users. That's not correct, one of our users are streaming either 720p or 1080p and it works perfectly. I'm not sure why Sky don't pull finger and launch an online service that doesn't suck/lock you into using Flash and low res video. I'm still paying for a mySky HDi subscription even though I'm using iTunes US on AppleTV + Netflix HD. -Scott On 10/05/2012, at 2:29 PM, Dean Pemberton wrote:
1) Is this claimed lack of freedom something real? Do New Zealanders feel that they are being somehow restricted by having their internet traffic originate from a "New Zealand IP Address"
2) If it is real, given that one of InternetNZs objectives is "To promote easily available access to the Internet for New Zealanders". Is there anything that InternetNZ could be doing at a policy/advocacy level to address this restriction on freedom.
3) Again, if it is real, do you think that just having FYX offering this service will encourage other providers to follow suit, and therefore solve the problem? Or is some other action required?
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