[cc list trimmed] Simon Byrnand wrote:
Thanks Craig,
Works great.
Have heard that Craig's ueber-SA rule works well for others too.
By the way, has anyone noticed that these particular spams via zombie machines seem to obtain email addresses for the fake Return address in the same manner as viruses ?
All spams forge the Return address of course, but this seems to be the first time I've noticed that the email addresses used for the fake Return addresses are being retrieved from the zombie machine itself, rather than the zombie just passing on the message to be sent verbatim.
That means these spams are causing just as much confusion from their bounces as virus originated bounces...
Nice one. Anyway, it seems as if the European Union elections this coming Sunday is the reason for the huge spam run. Wrote a small story about it here: http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/UNID/C0F6690249C852D2CC256EB0000B4F84 ... which may be of interest to NZNOG. -- Juha