On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 4:23 PM, Lloyd Parkes
The DNS does not require that forward and reverse zones be managed by the same organisation, and so you can get disjoint management policies.
That shouldn't matter. Whoever runs the reverse DNS (most likely your ISP) can certainly make sure that they have a matching forward entry. It doesn't matter what other forward entries exist (ie, any that you may have setup for your own domain) - this will never be checked.
Like many people, I run an SMTP server at home. My cable provider manages the reverse lookup zone and the likelihood that they will let me have my personal domain name loaded into it is so close to zero that I have never asked. Since I manage my own forward domain, it says whatever I want.
$5 says that you would pass the check that Phil is suggesting. Take your IP address and do a reverse lookup on it. Then take what is returned and do a forward lookup. Do you get the original IP address? If so, Phil would accept your email. Your (additional) forward mapping from your own domain plays no part. Scott.