To satisfy the curious and to provide some closure on this incident, I have included a statement from Ryan Joe.  The incident began approx last Oct/Nov and was resolved last week.  I would like to thank Peter Lambrechtsen for getting the right people at Spark to contact me and for their perseverance working through what turned out to be more than one non-trivial issue.  The impact, unfortunately, was not wide spread and hence had gone largely un-noticed but had the potential to impact a lot more people. I don�t believe that it is my place to go into the details of the issues, what was found and how they were fixed. Perhaps a Spark engineer would be prepared to do so as I believe it would be of interest to many on this list.
"As discussed on Friday, this email is to acknowledge that Spark experienced a problem with our DNS which resulted in some Spark customers being intermittently unable to access content hosted at  I�d like to sincerely apologise for any frustration or inconvenience caused by this � we have now fully resolved the issue�

Ryan Joe
Senior Product Manager - xDSL

Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 4446
Ph: +64 6 357 8168, Fax: +64 6 357 8165, Mob: +64 27 542 4015

"Specialising in providing low-cost professional Internet Services since 1997"