Not sure if this is news or not, but I hadn't seen anything publicised re this change. My understanding was that blank "from" fields are valid, so filtering this type of email may break other things such as read receipts.
Are they rejecting? putting in spam folder or it just disappears?
Blank FROM is valid?
I'd have considered a Blank Subject as potentially valid, but surely the From: address should be a requirement?
Well the RFC's says a few things SHOULD be included like the Message-ID,Subject,Date, but in real terms it (I think) a From: and To: header should really be included as well, but the RFC's doesn't mandate anything at all has to be in the Header or a message to be a valid Email. Saying that, people will do what they want for the "common good" and rejecting? messages with no From: Header may be good for the greater number of people. I see very little messages with blank From headers and I would think its pretty uncommon (except for spam) to have no From: header. There are many rules mail servers use to stop spam like Rejecting messages with no message-id: header, no date: header and no subject: header. a Read Receipt is a DSN so <> and should be treated a little different than a normal message and I haven't see any without a From: header. Don't get the MAIL FROM and the Header From: confused :-) RFC's are only suggestions on how things are "suppose" to work Thanks Craig