>have just noticed msltime.irl.cri.nz. and msltime2.irl.cri.nz. have
>developed a 180 second offset from GPS-based ntp sources.

Yes. I see that their time is out too. We sync to msltime with prefer ....

# ntpdate -d msltime.irl.cri.nz
21 Mar 20:40:35 ntpdate[700]: adjust time server offset -0.324694 sec

# ntpdate -d ntp.massey.ac.nz
21 Mar 20:41:09 ntpdate[705]: step time server offset 179.678788 sec

I have just contacted someone from IRL. They had a power outage at their Gracefield site today and it's likely that something has not reset properly. The appropriate person from MSL will get onto fixing this asap.

Roger Williams, GNS Science