Hi all

Our CFP has now officially closed. We've received a lot of good submissions and will begin accepting talks soon.

If you have missed the CFP close and still want to talk definitely let us know. However, we will first be accepting the on time submissions.

We've added a page about the training events we're offering to our website -��http://www.nznog.org/nznog18/nznog-2018-training .

The Mikrotik training has some pre-requisite details on that page. Go Wireless are offering the required pre-requisite training in the near future. Links to Go Wireless' training page is on our training page.

We're just waiting to lock in the Facebook training and maybe one other training session and we'll then open registrations.

Apologies for the delays - we're chasing the other parties as much as we can.


(on behalf of the NZNOG Trust)