On 16/07/10 Fri, Jul 16, 10:50, Sam Sargeant wrote:
Step 1: Sign the root Step 2: ??? Step 3: Security for all!
Now that we have a signed root, how progress on DNSSEC for .nz ?
Following up on this and Jay's comments about when we'll do this for .nz. I'd observe that the process involved in getting ready and implementing this is non trivial. The procedure we followed on Monday consisted of something like 165 individual steps which were meticulously documented and recorded. And that was after weeks of testing, rehearsal and revision. Wearing my DNS Board hat I'm keen to see .nz signed as soon as we can do so safely and securely. There's a challenge here for this community to start thinking about the process of getting the domains we're responsible for ready for signing as well. We'll also need to educate and assist customers.