You were not supposed to be on that list. I wouldn't deal with you on the basis of your degree of involvement with Net4u. Mr Net4u 2IC giving me a lecture? Don't throw stones in glass houses. Michael Hallager
A few NZNOGers have received an email. Out of these few, even fewer have complained. I have just received some complaints from people whom in in all likelyhood have a short memory for names/people they have had contact with.
Hell, if we have to all individually complain to get the point across that spam sucks (I even have to get the point across?), then treat this as an individual complaint.
If you're going to try and say I have a short memory for names/people I have had contact with, you're wrong. About the only reason you'd have my email address is because I was once employed by a company who provided you with connectivity to the vast network that is the interweb. But wait, if you'd emailed me with respect to that, you would have used my work email address. Whoops, guess you got my address from NZNOG.
However 50% of those who have complained never received anything in the first place because I check their names and NOTHING..... comes up.
I assure you I received a copy of your spam. I'll forward it back to you with headers if you don't believe me.
Also some people are starting to post myths and fake stories up here now.
There is no spamming, no email harvesting, no nonsense, no conspiracy.
?! The only myth I've seen so far is that "there is no spamming".
As much as it might suit some peoples egos to continue on with this tirade, I have done everything I can and apologised several times.
Wrong. Doing everything you can would have involved not sending the spam in the first place.
I really don't deserve the crap that I receive from some people - I hope they never make an error of judgement in case they are on the receiving end of their own bad attitude. Complain to me, yes - abuse/threaten me, no.
You, are a spammer. Spammers deserve what they get.
As an aside, if you've never dealt with Richard and/or Helix, how come he received a copy of your spam? Whoops, NZNOG harvesting again.
In case you haven't got the message, remove me from your list.
-- // Michael Hallager Director || Head geek || Making IT work. URL: networkStuff, NZ's leading online supplier of high quality new and used networking equipment. Phone: (09) 839-1000 (DDI) 0800 638-788 (Freecall) Fax: (09) 837-8100 0800 329-788 (Freefax) Mobile: 029 638-7883 (SMS, MMS and PXT supported)