From that point of view Auckland<->Sydney traffic may as well go via the US in the case of outage.
With Hurricane Sandy there was a lot of packet loss over he.net to Europe. They most likely didn't have enough capacity in the event of an outage - the latency wasn't up a lot, but throughput was significantly reduced. The same thing is likely to happen to NZ if there are two cables. It's not likely that most NZ providers will operate at 40% peak capacity.across international links. Sure - 3 cable paths will reduce the level of impact. But in the US it's common to have 3 or more transit providers, reducing the chance of impact. But NZ being ages away from anywhere, with the bulk of traffic on two cable paths seems to have lead to less diversification within New Zealand, with multiple upstreams being limited to the US. And if the US and Europe got cut off completely, traffic via Asia to Europe is likely to be pretty terrible. Also, looking at Hurricance Sandy, what would happen to Auckland if it got hit by a Hurricane? Could it take out all international traffic leading to only Satelitte working for redundancy? Ben. On Fri, Nov 09, 2012 at 01:26:47PM +1100, Sam Russell wrote:
Presumably a redundant link means that nobody loses service when they accidentally break one of them? It does seem like an excuse to blame National for not propping up Pacific Fibre, rather than anything wrong with a redundant set of links failing over correctly due to a fault, as designed
Sent from my iPhone On Nov 9, 2012, at 1:20 PM, Al Twohill <[1]moebiusproject(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On 9 November 2012 15:16, David Robinson <[2]nznog(a)karit.geek.nz> wrote:
How much substance and how much Political Grandstanding? Yes a second cable would be nice but be careful saying the sky is falling.
There is a thread discussing it on AUSNOG. Looks like Labour basically quoted that. [4]http://lists.ausnog.net/pipermail/ausnog/2012-November/015297.html�
_______________________________________________ NZNOG mailing list [5]NZNOG(a)list.waikato.ac.nz [6]http://list.waikato.ac.nz/mailman/listinfo/nznog
Visible links 1. mailto:moebiusproject(a)gmail.com 2. mailto:nznog(a)karit.geek.nz 3. http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/labour-alleges-failure-of-southern-... 4. http://lists.ausnog.net/pipermail/ausnog/2012-November/015297.html 5. mailto:NZNOG(a)list.waikato.ac.nz 6. http://list.waikato.ac.nz/mailman/listinfo/nznog
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