Hiya folks – again… ! :-)


ICONZ-Webvisions (the entity formerly known simply as ICONZ in NZ) are making changes to their NTP server arrangements on the evening morning of 10 April (so, overnight tomorrow night).


The details of the changes being made can be viewed at:




In short, if you have been using ‘ntp.iconz.net’ or ‘ntp.iconz.co.nz’ by DNS name, you’ll have already seen a change; this now is CNAME’d to s2.ntp.net.nz (which happens to sit in our DC)[1].


Anyone who has been using any of our (very long lived) NTP servers by IP address, these IP’s will stop responding to NTP queries from outside of our network, in the wee hours of 10 April.


Much like the DNS changes recently made, this is most likely to be noticed by people who’ve been using these IP’s for historical or habitual reasons. Customers with concerns about this change are invited to contact our Customer Care team on 0800 843 638 or via support.nz@iconz-webvisions.com.  Non-customers, should probably change their NTP timesource to a publically available resource; I do very much value and recommend the services offered by NZRS, with details at www.ntp.net.nz.






[1] This was done in conjunction with NZRS and mainly as an ‘interim’ measure. Those DNS records may be removed completely at some stage in the future. Anyone using those hostnames should move to using services such as those offered by NZRS, and bypass our DNS entries completely, as soon as possible.



Mark Foster

Technical Services Manager – Australia & New Zealand






ICONZ-Webvisions, ICONZ House, 60 Airedale Street,

Auckland 1010, New Zealand