On 2/05/11 Mon, May 2, 11:23, Richard Nelson wrote:
Auckland, like most NZ universities uses BGP to prefer routes learned from the NZ NREN (KAREN) as the traffic is free. The issue is therefore that KAREN doesn't have connectivity to the root servers inside NZ. If Karen goes down, Auckland should start using NZ based root servers, but I don't think that has happened recently. I understand that KAREN are working on improving their DNS service.
I'm not sure your failover scenario is that likely as it would only work if Auckland had a working connection to the APE. Some manipulation of the routes received from BGP could prefer APE routes for the root nameserver prefixes ahead of the KAREN ones and have the failover work the other way which seems more sensible, And KAREN could improve their DNS service if they had connectivity to the Exchanges to access both root and .nz servers.