On Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:42:09 +1200, Steve Phillips
Part of the idea would be to build a native IPv6 network in New Zealand, as such - the ISP's will need to be reasonably heavily involved as they will have issues they will need to sort out.
I have a native v6 network. The issue is connecting that to other native v6 networks to get some usage out of it. ISPs sit around talking about doing native v6 end to end. I am proposing that while we wait for that to happen on a large scale, we go and setup a peering/tunnel point for those of us at the end of v4 only networks.
I am a little confused how "having a box sitting at APE" will actually assist toward anything with respect to IPv6 networks in New Zealand.
It will get people using and learning v6 on a larger scale, and having the box at APE will allow ISPs to turn on native v6 and still talk to everyone already using this tunnelled network.
In order to access this box (not using tunnels) one would assume that the link terminating equipment at APE for [insert company name here] would support IPv6 and be able to do peering with another peer on APE, hence negating the requirement for a 'box sitting at ape' all together..
Even if said box doesn't peer with anyone to start with, its still progress. It allows us to use v6 now, and it provides a very simple migration path to native v6 for APE connect ISPs. For non APE connected companies, ISPs etc, they can 'upgrade' now without having to wait for thier upstream providers first.
I would assume we could get this done initially with private v6 ranges and then look toward getting a publicly routable range. However, in order to link back into the rest of the world someone would be required to put up bandwidth to do this and as such, it would be unfair to expect them to carry all the costs for everyone (hence a system to apportion cost, i.e - a billing system)
This is a peering point to improve national v6 speed/RTTs. Users of the system provide thier own address space from (insert tunnel broker here) or APNIC. Such a box would only provide free fast national v6 connectivity. Put it at APE so that NZ ISPs currently talking about rolling out v6 can have thier shiny new v6 networks accessable via this v6 IX. -- Nathan Ward Esphion Ltd.