On Sun, 10 Oct 2004, Michael Hallager wrote:
Repeat: NO ONE who got emailed today was added to any mailing list !! (Without requesting it).
Soliciting E-Mail addresses you have harvested from a mailing list that has nothing to do with you is wrong. Just be thankful there are currently no laws against this sort of thing. If you have a prior business relationship with said people then things may have been different but using the nznog mailing list to send invitations to join your own mailing list is asking for trouble. (I'm just repeating as you really dont seem to have gotten it yet)
It was ONLY AN INVITATION to a small group of targetted people, who's email addresses were in my address book.
Oh, so adding $random_address to my address book gives me permission to send them unsolicited mail ? gee.. I really dont think so.
Please people, with p-pills, mortgage applications, pirated MS software yada yada, why the need to take out your frustrations on a local known specialised e-commerce business? Despite having my email address all over the place, I receive maybe once a month only an unsolicited professional email offering me something relevant and I find many of these useful or I simply delete.
It all becomes clear.. Simply because _you_ contribute to the spam problem by "finding some useful" does not mean the rest of the world shares your views. Thankyou for confirming that you are as much a part of the spam problem as the spammers themselves. You should have known better. Just admit this, hell, you should have admitted it as soon as you started to get complaints. or.. why not just carry on and prove to us that you really ARE an "asshat" (to use someone elses terminology) - I mean, we have nothing better to do.. really. -- Steve.