I use NTP on all of ours.


Matthew Harrison
The Top Dog
p. 06 7566620 | e. matthew@primowireless.co.nz

Please excuse the shortness of my email as it was sent from my iPhone.

On 3/06/2014, at 10:02, Sam Russell <sam.h.russell@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

I'm playing with mikrotiks for VPNs, and one of the "features" is that the RB750's we have don't hold time when they reboot. I'm planning to build them with NTP access (so if they can get internet then they can get time), but I'm also tempted to generate certs backdated to 1970 instead.

Is anyone else doing this? How do you get mikrotiks to validate certs if the clock keeps resetting on power off - is relying on NTP the answer?

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