At 13:46 10/06/2004, you wrote:
It looks like there are lot of NZ based Zombies sending very large amounts of Spam ( much of it in German) to some ISPs.
This has really been going hard over the last hour.
Yep, we're seeing it too. Very sudden, and very large amounts of it, and difficult to recognise reliably to block :( (Anyone found a good way of recognising it in SpamAssassin ?) I hadn't noticed that some of the zombies were in NZ but looks like you're right. The content of the messages seem to trace back to the following page in German: http://www.deutschland-bewegung.de/weiter/zuwanderung.html translated by google: http://translate.google.com/translate?sourceid=navclient&hl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Edeutschland%2Dbewegung%2Ede%2Fweiter%2Fzuwanderung%2Ehtml *sigh* As if the whole world wants to read THAT stuff... Regards, Simon Byrnand iGRIN Internet