I think we should list the costs associated with holding a meet (call it conference if you like) see if each of these can be reduced each time we organise one. ie a master list etc Off the top of my head * Rental of venue I think we can assume most of them come with standard chairs,tables, white/black board, OHP. However some come with only just that while others come with extras. Just bear in mind that some venues will require a reservation fee or downpayment. Also bear in mind, venues of a certain size could be hard to come by at last minute and some require many months of booking in advance. (this is like organising a wedding - you'll find certain wedding venues are booked more than a year in advance) * Rental of datashow This is a significant cost unless (like this year) we are able to organise loan of the equipment. * IP network (internal and external) The external network this year required the cost of a DSL installation. Internal network was thanks to provision of wireless gear by citylink and hubs as well as extremely long cat5 cables Uniforum had from previous conferences. * Catering. During the day there needs to be supplies to keep the attendees going. Either you have them bring their own or at the cheapest, self cater by gettins supplies from a supermarket or food supply shop. Water, biscuits, mints, tea & coffee at the very least shoudl be there. There were around 11 - 12 bottles of water at the back of the room the NZNOG stream was going. (around wine bottle size for those who weren't there). These were filled at least 3 - 4 times through the day. The mints were popular too. I went round the other less populated room to refill the mint bowls. Some thought needs to be put to lunch too. Either organise on the day or pre-arranged. There'll be options for all sorts of reasonable budgets. Even on a self-catering model, you'd need to ensure the costs of cleaning up or disposable plates etc are budgetted. Anyway I'll be happy to put in my 2c worth etc and help with these things (either with ideas to the local crew or something else) I agree things like pen and paper, conference bag etc are nice but can be left out. Anyway now there's the other more expensive costs... Speakers travel and accomodation costs Here I am thinking of the non nz speakers. Who will pay for the accomodation of equivalent people like Paul Vixie, Dave Moore of CAIDA, Greg Shephard of Juniper etc. Who will pay for their travel costs?? Sponsorship for these? How easy or hard will these be to obtain for a technical meet such as this? Bear in mind that companies that sponsor like to be able to get some publicity for it and their marketting dept will be comparing this to something else that may get more exposure. How easy is it to get such sponsorships? Will the task be made much harder if we have more informal/ad-hoc meets? Only those who got the money for this year's conference will know and perhaps they can share their experiences? My guess is it was hard. I am sure there's other things I haven't thought of but it is a start at considering costs etc behind organising such meets. regards Lin - To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog