"Drew Broadley"
I am having issues with a SINGLE domain "corrupt.co.nz", every other domain is fine! ... It returns SERVFAIL id:2 whenever I try to request anything other then www.corrupt.co.nz / corrupt.co.nz via PARADISES NS Servers
The Paradise servers list as name servers: corrupt.co.nz. 1h8m39s IN NS theyre.corrupt.co.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 1h8m39s IN NS im.corrupt.co.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 1h8m39s IN NS hes.corrupt.co.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 1h8m39s IN NS shes.corrupt.co.nz. not the servers listed in the actual zone: corrupt.co.nz. 2h13m20s IN NS ns1.iplay.net.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 2h13m20s IN NS ns2.iplay.net.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 2h13m20s IN NS ns3.iplay.net.nz. which is different to the list on the registry: corrupt.co.nz. 1D IN NS ns2.iplay.net.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 1D IN NS ns3.iplay.net.nz. corrupt.co.nz. 1D IN NS ns.iplay.net.nz. The top list (theyre.corrupt.co.nz et al) are all CNAMES which is Not Allowed. I suspect that Paradise has cached a broken configuration, and you'll just have to wait until it times out in just over an hour. You might like to make sure the registry and zone NS lists agree too. -- don