On Fri, 7 Sep 2012, Steve Holdoway wrote:
As you've been very helpful in the past, can I ask the best way forward in addressing this problem.
In an attempt to reduce spam delivery to a local charity mail server, I added
My advice is don't try to devise rules for spam blocking yourself, as you've found even a simple idea like requiring reverse DNS will have false positives. There are plenty of other "simple" solutions that will also come back to bite you [1]. Either outsource your filtering or install something like Spamassassin which comes with it's own build-in rules enabled and tuned. [1] - "Voodoo spam filtering" is a phrase I like. -- Simon Lyall | Very Busy | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/ "To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.