On 14/06/22, 9:04 AM, "Geoff Huston" wrote:
CYBER SECURITY WARNING: This email is from an external source - be careful of attachments and links. Please follow the Cyber Code and report suspicious emails.
Hi NZNOG folk,
I was reading an ETNO report about problems with Broadband deployment in Europe (https://au01.z.antigena.com/l/aPIkor7Q8891L3JKjPD~qls1mm-Onj9kmMoVsR~qhDKTnT... and similar issues in Korea, where the carriers are advancing the proposition “the big streamers should pay”.
But I also read somewhere that NZ in well underway with Gbps consumer services and there seems to be no such problems from the carriers in NZ.
I know it's a very generic question, but I was wondering, what is the current picture on price and performance of retail fibre broadband services in New Zealand?
I replied to Geoff and to the list, but VFNZ recently changed email addresses from x.y(a)vodafone.com to x.y(a)vodafone.nz, so my post was rejected. I'm nor subscribed using the new address, and since I invoked the hive mind... here is the reply I sent.
Gidday Geoff.
Think nbn, but done right __
For something more objective ...
For some pricing: https://www.broadbandcompare.co.nz (There are other pricing comparison web sites. Maybe the NOG hive mind has better recommendations)
A little out of date, but https://www.zdnet.com/article/new-zealand-blitzes-high-end-broadband-afforda...
Basically, the NZ industry is moving to 1Gbps flat rate services.
Michael Newbery
Principal Architect
Wholesale & Infrastructure
+64 29 920 3102
Vodafone New Zealand Limited, Lambton House, 160 Lambton Quay, PO Box 1272, Wellington 6011, New Zealand
The future is exciting.
C2 General