On 28 Jul 2014, at 19:18, Michael Fincham
On Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:14:00 +1200, Joel Wirāmu Pauling wrote:
I have used graphviz and .dot files manually populated from CSV exports in the past with pretty good results. https://osl.uoregon.edu/redmine/projects/netdot/wiki , http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/dotguide.pdf
I had a go at mashing up netdot w/ some graphs generated by parsing the XML versions of Juniper configs pulled by RANCID. It did not go especially well :)
I got the impression netdot was better suited to mapping fairly small networks. Mapping our "whole" network made a huge output with low readability.
Late to this party (sorry) but long ago I hacked together scripts that consumed JUNOS and IOS configs from a rancid repository and made (somewhat!) interactive maps with them that you could navigate using a browser. It scaled well enough to handle AS6461 which at the time was a flat layer-3 network that extended from Asia through North America to Europe (so, not a trivially small number of nodes). Miraculously, some presentation materials and even code from 2002 survive. Note that I did say 2002, so be gentle. https://www.nanog.org/meetings/nanog26/presentations/stephen.pdf ftp://ftp.isc.org/isc/toolmakers/ Joe