9 Oct
9 Oct
5:04 p.m.
[Well, given that I'd replied to Michael off-list and it's been CC'd back to the list, we'll assume that he no longer wants to be contacted off-list] Michael Hallager said:
You were not supposed to be on that list. I wouldn't deal with you on the basis of your degree of involvement with Net4u.
My degree of involvement? What, so as an employee of a company, when a director does something stupid, that's my fault?
Mr Net4u 2IC giving me a lecture?
Not sure where you got the 2IC bit from. I was never a director, manager, nor had input in the day to day operation of the company.
Don't throw stones in glass houses.
Don't spam your target market when your target market are among some of the biggest spam haters on the face of the planet. Michael