2Day Chief Enthusiast wrote:
I've arranged with Cisco Systems for a room at their offices, Level 28, ASB Tower, 135 Albert Street, Auckland at 10:00 am on Friday 27 November. I've done it this way so that there's something definite for us to aim at and because I see that Auckland is the most sensible venue for this.
If you are not fixed on a date, can it be the following Friday? I would really like to attend this meeting, but have prior commitments.
If I get lots of similar requests we could look at moving it but I'll see how we go first. -- Mailto:Andy.Linton(a)netlink.net.nz Tel: +64 4 494 6162 Post: Netlink, PO Box 5358, Lambton Quay, Wellington, New Zealand -- --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog