That's me too out, Is this security or security theater? Just how much damage could a single compromised person do?

If this document is to be trusted it must be�adhered�to in it's strictest sense which does rule out those smokers and coffee addict's, If the people who�implement�the document in day to day operations make exceptions like one for coffee/smokers then it does question what other exceptions are being made.

Of course I�don't�expect anyone to be barred from a trusted position because they like a cup or ten of joe every day but perhaps the document needs to reflect this?

On 11 July 2011 10:07, Richard Hector <> wrote:
On 10/07/11 18:58, Dean Pemberton wrote:

> NZRS will not consider persons for a position as a trusted individual if
> they have been:

> � � * identified to have a gambling or substance addiction.

That's me out, along with anyone else addicted to caffeine (or
nicotine). How many qualified people left?

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