In message <001501c380a4$fe004bd0$fd00a8c0(a)morpheus>, "Matthew G Brown" writes:
Is anyone seeing large influx of Iworm.Swen & Exploit.IFrame.FileDownloadMessage over the last few days. Im getting over 200 a day, All for some reason addressed to me , very few to any other users.
The discussion in ASR suggests that it's mainly grabbing addresses to use from Usenet archives/news servers. So people who have posted frequently are getting considerably more than those who haven't. I'm blocking perhaps 100/day at present (due to their included Microsoft Executables). Some people in ASR were getting many dozens per _hour_ (I think one person was seeing hundreds per hour), so I'm grateful that this one doesn't seem to have hit me as hard as SoBig.F was (I was seeing thousands of copies of SoBig.F per day). Ewen