Valid points, Surely DNSSEC is critical infrastructure and some of the security aspects should be handed off to one of the NZ men-in-black dept's?
If we've otherwise established that there are character checks in place,
does a line this specific in nature need to be included at all?
We risk going down a slippery slope of being over-specific and not actually
gaining anything from doing so.
Not all 'addictions' are likely to compromise the individuals ability to be
both functional and trustworthy.
Surely there's a Government Department or NGO who can suggest some suitable
wording for this, we all understand the intent, but shooting one's self in
the foot is not necessarily productive....?
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Dave Mill
Sent: Monday, 11 July 2011 11:19 a.m.
To: Tristram Cheer
Subject: Re: [nznog] DNSSEC Practice Statement for .nz, version 1.1
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Tristram Cheer <>
> If this document is to be trusted it must be�adhered�to in it's
> strictest sense which does rule out those smokers and coffee addict's,
> If the people who�implement�the document in day to day operations make
> exceptions like one for coffee/smokers then it does question what
> other exceptions are being made.
And as soon as we start heading down this path I think we are going in to
dangerous grounds as we are starting to dictate exactly what is acceptable
and what is not.
Is someone who drinks 10 beers each week fine? How about someone who has 30
a week? Or me who plays poker every week? If someone dables in recreational
drugs are they completely out?
Maybe we need to more look at what we're trying to prevent here, and then
create rules that attempt to enforce that.
For example..
Steps are taken to ensure that trusted people:
-Do not have an addiction to a proven dangerous substance -Are generally in
a state that allows them to perform their duties -Are not an easy target for
black-mail or bribery due to life-style choices or past history
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