Last time I steal your bandwidth for this. NZCERT-discuss A mailing list to discuss the establishment of an NZ CERT ========================================================= The issue of creating an NZ Computer Emergency Response Team has been around for years. There are a bunch of ways that it can be done, a lot of people that can be involved and ultimately a lot of dollars required to make it work. We raised the idea on behalf of the InternetNZ NZCERT task force on the NZNOG and InternetNZ members-discuss lists last year. There was some support for the idea, as well as some suggestions for the creation of a local nsp-discuss like mailing list. While the nsp idea is a good one, it doesn't address the issue of a NZ based Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) In the recent MED discussion paper "A Strategic Consideration of ICT Security and Confidence in New Zealand" on page 33 they state: "1.Areas for further work would appear to include the following: - Reviewing the need for the establishment of a national computer emergency response team (CERT) and a mechanism for anonymous reporting of security incidents;" InternetNZ has created a NZCERT-discuss mailing list as one step in the process of evaluating the need and way forward for a NZ based CERT. A separate mailing list was created to allow those that were interested to take part, and to stop using the bandwidth of the NZNOG, members-discuss and other lists. You are invited to join the NZCERT-discuss list by sending email to NZCERT-discuss-subscribe(a) -- Brendan Murray brendan(a) The Observation Post 14 Centre Road Phone: +64-3-4543282 RD 2 Ocean Grove Fax: +64-3-4543285 Dunedin, New Zealand Mobile: +64-21-1153290