Regan Murphy wrote:
A friend of mine recently changed from Orcon to QSI. He is on an exchange on the other side of AKL from me. On the Thursday (with Orcon) he was sustaining a 220KB/sec download from the linux mirror at citylink. On the Friday when he was changed over to QSI he couldn't get better than 80KB/sec from the same source and he has had speed problems since. He changed about 2-3 weeks ago. From what you've said it does sound like QSI's UBS (ATM) circuit to Telecom is maxed out, rather than issues of over-subscription at the exchange. But it is hard to know without all the info. Perhaps someone from QSI could comment here.
Regan Murphy wrote:
As changing providers is a painful (and expensive) process I've been reluctant to switch without knowing for sure where the problem lay.
The churn fee is a lot lower now ( ~ $40 for a UBS to UBS reassignment). Steve