On 27/01/2012 17:41, Donald Clark wrote:
Forgive the cross-post and any resulting duplicate mails.
I announced at NZNOG today that that first 4 of 9 metrics the TaskForce is using to track and benchmark's NZ progress in adoption IPv6 are live.
We need your help on the following;
1 - looking at http://ipv6.org.nz/metrics - and weighing in with your feedback and views (note: at this time, the metric set itself is relatively set having be widely consulted on last year)
2 - if you can stick the APNIC tracker into your site - please please do - I've been assured that it won't slow down page loads, will help you understand your customer's capabilities better, and will provide non sensitive important data to APNIC - see http://labs.apnic.net/tracker.shtml
3 - hit the trial NDT server anytime you think you might have v6 connectivity -instructions at http://ipv6.org.nz/metrics/metric-7
Many thanks all.
Hi, I hit the server, but there are two "concerns": 1) In the java console, "java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Accept timed out at java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.waitForNewConnection(Native Method) at java.net.DualStackPlainSocketImpl.socketAccept(Unknown Source) at java.net.AbstractPlainSocketImpl.accept(Unknown Source) at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.accept(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(Unknown Source) at java.net.ServerSocket.accept(Unknown Source) at Tcpbw100$OsfwWorker.run(Tcpbw100.java:1813) What port do you need to have open to accept the connection, if any ? 2) In the java app, "Server unable to determine bottleneck link type. Information: Other network traffic is congesting the link" 1) happens at the start while 2) is at the end of the test. I do firewall connections into the network, but not out. Cheers, Pieter