Hi All,


I���ve been quite happily running a Cisco router at home on Snap/2degrees, but with the upgrade to UFB its not coping with the throughput.�� I���ve managed to locate a suitably equipped ASA, however I cant get IPv6 going.�� The config I have on the ASA is very similar to that of the router:


nterface GigabitEthernet0/7

description 2degrees


security-level 0

no ip address

ciscoasa# sh run int gi0/7.10


interface GigabitEthernet0/7.10

description 2degrees

vlan 10

nameif 2degrees10

security-level 0

pppoe client vpdn group 2degrees

ip address pppoe setroute

��ipv6 address autoconfig

ipv6 address dhcp

ipv6 enable

ipv6 dhcp client pd 2degrees-v6


However, if I remember correctly the IPv6 dhcp assignment happens inside the PPPoE connection once its established. Can anyone confirm that or provide a working config?


In case someone wants versions, the ASA is on 9.9.2 (asa992-smp-k8.bin)






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