On 14/05/2007, at 2:37 PM, Russell Tester wrote:
We have a customer experiencing problems since around mid-day Friday with their Auckland site talking to their Christchurch site via TCL on net DSL.
The problem appears to be with the AKL site that can also not reach a number of our other DSL fed TCL customers in CHC, yet all other internet access appears to be fine.
Whilst we have a TCL tech visiting the ALK site (some time), I’m interested if anyone else has encountered similar issues?
Also if someone in ALK on TCL on net DSL could reply with a trace to id appreciate this.
This sounds like a customer fault - you'd be best to ask your ISP/ whatever if other customers are experiencing these problems. I think we'd have lots of problems if everyone started asking about faults on NZNOG, and throwing a "I'm interested in others are experiencing this" to legitimise it. BTW - What do TCL and TCNZ and TNZ mean to people? To me, TCL = TelstraClear Limited, and TCNZ and TNZ mean Telecom NZ. Some people say TCNZ = TelstraClear NZ. Some people say TCL = Telecom Limited. It's all very confusing. I recommend that people state what they mean when posting. -- Nathan Ward