Hi all

Just to prod this thread again.

During late May and early June a whole lot of updates, removals and additions to the noc-list came through.

I had mad dreams of tidying up the HTML (take a look, its nasty) and also linking to peeringDB records but one month on I hadn't gotten around to it.

As of today, all known changes to the list are complete. I haven't replied to all of you - there were quite a few changes.

It seems in general that a lot of people still appreciate the noc-list but in general if a network actively peers USE PEERINGDB :)

If anyone feels like:

-cleaning up the html
-supplying html with (valid) peeringdb links included
-attempting contact with entries we believe are long-dead
-or otherwise improving the quality of the list

Then please make contact with me (make contact first to save duplication of work). I actually have some code that now pulls details from peeringDB but am only using it internally at Inspire right now.

We can't easily give people direct access to changing the noc-list at the moment. I can however paste HTML really well :)


On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 3:27 PM, Simon Lyall <simon@darkmere.gen.nz> wrote:
On Sun, 28 May 2017, Nathan Brookfield wrote:
Maybe a function where someone could 'Report Incorrect Data' that then
triggers an email off to the contact and if they don't respond in a timely
manner flag the entry as out of date or possibly even remove it from being
public until it is located.

Agreed. I'm pretty sure many of the companies no longer exist (ie closed or merged with other companies). Some of them over 5 years ago. Scanning the list most of the following are gone/merged:

Actrix, Black Albatross, Digiweb, Global Gateway, igrin, ihug, iprolink, Maxnet/callplus/orcon/FX/Wise, morenet, Now NZ, planB/Turnstone, Splice, supra, switchsource, unifone, Whoosh, ZeroOne

also Voyager is missing.

Simon Lyall�� |�� Very Busy�� |�� Web: http://www.simonlyall.com/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar