On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 11:31 PM, Juha Saarinen wrote:
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003, Andy Gardner wrote:
As a comparison here in Mexico (which followed NZ's telco privatisation moves almost to the letter) UNMETERED DSL rings in at 500 pesos/month (NZ$79) for 256k, 900 pesos/month (NZ$141) for 512k and 4500 pesos/month (NZ$709) for 2000k. And free installation.
More details... dynamic or static IP addresses? Forced NAT or can you have your own small public netblocks behind the router?
Dynamic publically routable single IP # (within the prodigy.net.mx spam farm). Leave the connection up and the IP # sticks around for weeks. Their business DSL offering may have better options, but information is thin on the ground. So are technicians, at present. Next WTO meeting is here in Cancun in September and they're all busy adding trunks to ensure the hotels have the required capacity. An extra 5000 or so trunks going in along the hotel strip, I'm led to believe.