Just to add a couple of points not mentioned so far.
On 10/05/2012, at 2:29 PM, Dean Pemberton
Are people using a "New Zealand IP Address"[1] to access the internet having their freedom impacted by not being treated the same as someone using a "US IP Address"[2] ?
Actual business impact - there are certain destinations that we (my employer) can't send email to unless we route it through our US or Canada offices. Because, apparently, nothing but spam comes from addresses issued by APNIC.
Has Internet Citizenship got anything to do with where you are physically located any more?
For sure. I can think of a couple of examples: China's Great Firewall is one, and the other is something I don't know details of, but until fairly recently there was an issue that Blackberries couldn't be used in certain middle eastern countries, something to do with US encryption export laws I think. More relevantly, in NZ we are always going to be limited by our international bandwidth. No matter how many cables they put across the ocean, usage will increase to match availability. But the thing that gets my blood pressure up is that most of these problems are political, and everyone's looking for technical solutions. A big +1 to the comments others have made about geo restrictions encouraging piracy and lobbying the govt about that. Somebody's got to tilt at that windmill, progress can only be made by refusing to accept the status quo. Cheers, Lesley L