30 Sep
30 Sep
7:03 a.m.
Nznogers may want to note that as of today (1st October) the Crimes Amendment Act 2003 (previously the Crimes Amendment Bill no 6) came into force. This Act, amending the 1961 Crimes Act, may potentially affect many internet users and providers (esp the unauthorised access provisions). It has been commonly known as the anti-hacking bill. InternetNZ in July prepared a brief paper on aspects of the Act which may affect internet users and providers. The paper is at http://www.internetnz.net.nz/public/committee-reports/ctte-legal-and-regulat... or http://tinyurl.com/g9vj The revised Crimes Act is not yet online but I have the key clauses in electronic format if anyone would like a copy. DPF