On Fri, Jul 17, 1998 at 03:15:27PM +1200, Simon Blake wrote:
Righto, second effort is the range is the network number is the broadcast address is the network mask
[snip!] Clear Reserved
I would like the following assigned for CLEAR's IP backbone deployment in
Wellington, ready for our production WIX access being fully functional
(which should happen early next week, depending on how much sleep Richard
feels like getting ;) -- ba1-atm1-0-2.lmtn.clix.net.nz ba2-atm1-0-2.lmtn.clix.net.nz (*) gos1.lmtn.clix.net.nz
(*) planned but not currently live. Note the records shown above are not
currently active in our nameservers (but will be early next week assuming
all this is ok with the CNH people).
I would prefer the relevant PTR records in the 0.7.202.in-addr.arpa zone
to refer to the clix.net.nz names above, but am happy to comply with
whatever structure develops, e.g. IN PTR clix1.wix.net.nz. IN PTR clix2.wix.net.nz. IN PTR clix3.wix.net.nz.
We have had our WIX-facing interfaces configured in NetLink's interim block, but as our WIX access wasn't live last week there
seems little point in using them now that we have a new range to play with
(thanks Andy - you can have those addresses back now :)
Would anybody interested in network peering with CLIX across WIX please
drop me a note? Pre-requisites at this stage are:
1. An interface on WIX numbered within the new block
2. A router which speaks BGP v4
3. A globally unique autonomous system number
4. A list of the route objects to be advertised to CLIX
5. Problem escalation contact details, 24/7 if available
CLIX operates BGP route filtering with all BGP peers to protect the network
from finger trouble. We will be looking in the future at building route
filters directly from policy obtained from one of the public routing
registries, but I expect these filter lists to be hand-edited to start with.
We will be applying route dampening penalties against flapping BGP
advertisements, and do not intend to accept advertisements with a wider
prefix than 24 bits. We will not provide transit to any other autonomous
systems (domestic or international) unless an appropriate customer
relationship exists with CLEAR.
Note! These requirements are NOT being proposed as a multilateral peering
policy across WIX - far from it, these are requirements for peering with
CLEAR only. Other providers and network operators will have their own
Joe Abley