On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 04:58:31PM +1200, Ewen McNeill wrote:
On a related tack, I am seriously considering writing to the appropriate government ministers and suggesting that, as part of their proposed anti-spam legislation, a legal duty be placed on people not to connect/allow to remain connected an insecure/0wned/infected system under their control. With the first breach resulting in mandatory disconnection of the system from the network, not to be reconnected until person had completed a course on "network security" and had their machine certified "cleaned up" by someone appropriate. Subsequent breaches resulting in that and fines and/or longer periods of mandatory disconnection.
Unlike vehicles, access to the internet for most people is not via a "public road". A WOF/license for driving the internet just seems like needless legisation. ISPs already have the power to regulate users this way via their TOS. Its clear though that all ISPs would have to subscribe to the above for it to have long-term effect. Nicholas