Following up to various points a. Neil Gardner's dialogue I think the conversation will be Ring Ring... ISP helpdesker- "Hello, helpdesk speaking" User - "Hi, I really really need IPv6, can I get it please?" ISP helpdesker- "What is IPv6?" ... b. Content There's a few press articles about how the Beijing 2008 Olympics will be streamed using IPv6. I can't find anything at the moment that says it is going to be exclusively used, apart from one mention in Wikipedia "all Beijing Olympics 2008 communications will be IPv6" based" "At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, China plans to use CNGI for everything from broadcasting the events to controlling the Olympic facilities." One article ( says "With the Beijing Olympics just around the corner, this solution now offers broadcasters an alternative to traditional leased line and satellite-based transport." So perhaps 1. the streams will be made available to public 2. Spectators online will try to use it to watch sports events that aren't served by their local TV stations. 3. This may create a demand for IPv6? While it is perhaps small beginnings and perhaps not as popular as streaming the sort of content mentioned in the experiment, it may be a start to generating demand? Let's not forget China is where the fastest growth in internet use is happening. Remember one of the speaker at nznog06 (who lives and works in China) mentioned IPv6 was already used then to carry ipv4 traffic. c. Can we pl stop the flame war re OTT/OT replies that resulted from Dave Zanetti reply. Thanks Lin