It may be good for someone in Telecom to let their front line staff know
about (de-)peering at some point.
After spending 15 minutes on the phone, it was quite amusing when they
came back from putting me on hold:
"I have talked to our tech guys and no-one in Xtra can get to the page
either. They think it is a problem with the routing of data for the
site at the far end. You could try power-cycling your router though"...
Then when I asked for confirmation by email:
"We suspect that there has been some stringent ip filtering and this
is what could be causing the problem. We can not confirm this the best
source of action would be to contact the host of the website for further
Obviously either highly qualified in providing BS responses or just
It's still annoying that I can't get to see it though...
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike []
Sent: Wednesday, 14 December 2005 17:20
Subject: Re: [nznog] King Kong streaming tomorrow
Hi Rich and Si
Can I suggest you mention which streams will be available
internationally in your announcements.
Cant see either of these from Seattle ;-) good message for TCL and
TNZ though....
Kia ora! You've reached the Citylink anycast node located in San
Francisco, California. If you are in NZ, you should ring your ISP and
ask them why your traffic is coming to the USA, rather than staying
in New Zealand. Useful phone numbers are at TelstraClear (try the
wholesale number if you get no joy from residential/business) and the
best number for Telecom would appear to be 0800 CALL XTRA [22 55 98].
If you're feeling particularly cussed, ask them what's changed in the
two years between the RoTK (when you could reach these streams
nationally) and now.
International users, we're sorry, sadly, our non-existent budget
means that we can't make the Courtenay Place webcam available
internationally. Such is life.
On Dec 12, 2005, at 8:10 PM, Simon Blake wrote:
> Hi all
> A belated notice that the red carpet TV coverage and Courtenay Place
> webcam will be streaming tomorrow as part of the King Kong premiere.
> The mms stream will be on (, the webcam
> from
> (, both anycast at the major
> exchanges. The webcam is running now, informal MMS streams will start
> about midday, TV coverage about 3pm.
> We're not expecting the same sorts of loads as RoTK, but who can tell.
> Cheers
> Si
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