13 May
13 May
5:27 a.m.
On Mon, 2007-05-14 at 10:26 +1200, Sam Sargeant wrote:
On 5/14/07, Craig Spiers
wrote: I've been doing whois lookups against whois.srs.net.nz for a few domains we host at work, mainly to look at the billed until date. However, small problem.. query 10 domains and suddenly they block you.
If you're a registrar it's recommended you use the XML api to the SRS for queries like this. The folks at NZRS (www.nzrs.net.nz) might be able to tweak their whois blacklisting if that's not an option for you.
The XML API has a limit of 10 queries per second anyway, as of earlier this year. Jasper