Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.
I think this is something we should all be aware of for those of you not
on bugtraq (which I hope most of you are.)
This attack has gone from something like 0 hits in my web logs yesterday
to 11 in the last 4 hours
Some people are estimating over 12,000 hosts infected already.
Also to worry about are later announcements that :
"A notable side effect of this.. the worm signature is wreaking havoc with
Cisco 675, 677, and 678 DSL routers that have the Web Based Configuration
Interface enabled."
since they lock up when "?" is sent to them in a URL.
And apparently has issues for some 7500 size routers.
The main thing I'm concenred over is that the worm is programmed to flood
www.whitehouse.gov between 20:00pm and 23:59 (local system time). I'm not
looking forward to what effect this might have on the internet.
Escpecially the small outbound links in NZ.
Chris Rigby
Senior Systems Engineer
IHUG - Into the Internet
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:40:11 -0700
From: Marc Maiffret
From kernel32.dll: GetSystemTime CreateThread CreateFileA Sleep GetSystemDefaultLangID VirtualProtect
From infocomm.dll: TcpSockSend
From WS2_32.dll: socket connect send recv closesocket
Finally the worm stores the base address of w3svc.dll which it will later use to potentially deface the infected website. 4. Check the number of threads the worm has created. CODEREF: seg000:00000512 FUNC_LOAD_DONE Here the worm seems to perform a WriteClient (Part of the ISAPI Extension API), sending "GET" back to the attacking worm. This possibly could be a way of telling attacking worms that they have successfully infected a new host. Next the worm code will count the number of worm threads already in action. If the number of threads is 100 then control is shifted to the Worm hack web page functionality. If the number of threads is below 100 then the worm creates a new thread. Each new thread is an exact replica of the worm (Using the same code base). The worm now continues its path of execution. 6. Checks for the existence of c:\notworm CODEREF: seg000:0000079D DO_THE_WORK There seems to be a to be built in "lysine deficiency" (See Jurassic Park, or Caesar's paper on this at www.rootkit.com). A "lysine deficiency" is a built in check to keep malicious code from spreading further. In this case the "lysine deficiency" is a check for the existence of the file c:\notworm. If this file exists then the worm will become dormant. This means it will not attempt to make connections out to other IP addresses to try to infect. If this file does not exist then the worm continues onto the next step. 7. Check the infected systems time (computer clock) CODEREF: seg000:00000803 NOTWORM_NO The worm will now check the infected systems local time (in UTC). If the hour is greater then 20:00 UTC then the worm will proceed to goto the first step of the attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality. If the time is less than 20:00 UTC then the worm will attempt to continue to try to infect new systems. 8. Infect a new host (send .ida worm to a "random" IP address on port 80). At this point the worm will resend itself to any IP addresses which it can connect to port 80 on. It uses multiple send()'s so packet traffic may be broken up. On a successful completion of send, it closes the socket and goes to step 6... therefore repeating this loop infinitely. Worm hack webpage functionality ------------------------------- This functionality is called after a hundred threads are spawned within the worm. 1. Check if local system default language is English us then goto step 6 of core worm functionality. CODEREF: seg000:000005FE TOO_MANY_THREADS The first thing the worm does is get the local codepage. A codepage specifies the local operating system language (I.E. English (US), Chinese, German etc...). It then compares the local codepage against 0x409. 0x409 is the codepage for English (US) systems. If the infected system is an English (US) system then the worm will proceed to deface the local systems webpage. If the local codepage is not English (US) then this worm thread will goto step 6 of core worm functionality. 2. Sleep for 2 hours. CODEREF: seg000:00000636 IS_AMERICAN This worm thread now sleeps for 2 hours. We anticipate that this is to allow the other worm threads to attempt to spread the infection before making a presence known via defacing the infected systems webpage. 3. Attempt to modify infected systems webpages in memory. CODEREF: seg000:0000064F HACK_PAGE This worm uses an interesting technique called "hooking" to effectively deface (alter) an infected systems webpages. Hooking is modifying code in memory to point to code that the worm provides. In this case the worm is modifying w3svc.dll to change the normal operation of a function called TcpSockSend. TcpSockSend is what w3svc.dll (IIS core engine) uses to send information back to the client. By modifying this, the worm is able to change data being written back to clients who request web pages of an infected server. To perform hooking, first the worm makes the first 4000h bytes of w3svc.dll's memory writable. In a normal situation the memory for w3svc.dll (and basically all mapped dll's) is read-only. It uses the function VirtualProtect to change the memory of w3svc.dll to be writable, saving the old state to a stack variable. It then uses the saved codebase of w3svc.dll (from step 3 of core worm functionality) as a start point to search the import table (again see PE header documentation) for the address of TcpSockSend. Once the address for TcpSockSend is located the worm then replaces TcpSockSend's actual address with an address within the worm. The address that TcpSockSend now points to is a function within the worm that will return the "Hacked by Chinese !" webpage. The CODEREF for this function is seg000:00000C9A FAKE_TCPSOCKSEND. This thread of the worm now sleeps for 10 hours. During this 10 hours all web requests to the infected server will return the "Hacked by chinese !" webpage. After the 10 hours is up this thread will return w3svc.dll to its original state, including re-protecting memory. Execution after this proceeds to step 6 of the core worm functionality. Attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality --------------------------------------- Sooner or later every thread within the worm seems to shift its attacking focus to www.whitehouse.gov. 1. create socket and connect to www.whitehouse.gov on port 80 and send 100k byes of data CODEREF: seg000:000008AD WHITEHOUSE_SOCKET_SETUP Initially the worm will create a socket and connect to (www.whitehouse.gov/www1.whitehouse.gov) on port 80. CODEREF: seg000:0000092F WHITEHOUSE_SOCKET_SEND If this connection is made then the worm will create a loop that performs 18000h single byte send()'s to www.whitehouse.gov. CODEREF: seg000:00000972 WHITEHOUSE_SLEEP_LOOP After 18000h send()'s the worm will sleep for about 4 and a half hours. It will then repeat the attack against www.whitehouse.gov (goto step one of Attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality). Appendix ======== This is associated information about the "Code Red" worm including how to stop the worm, commentary on the worm, and dispelling common misconceptions about this worm. How to secure your system from this .ida "Code Red" worm? --------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft patch for this .ida vulnerability http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/ bulletin/MS01-033.asp The worm spreads itself to new vulnerable systems via the .ida vulnerability. Applying this patch will keep your server from being infected. However, as stated earlier, because of the way the worm creates its list of "random" IP addresses to attack, you could still be affected by a high traffic overload denial of service. eEye Digital Security Advisory for .ida vulnerability http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Advisories/AD20010618.html We initially discovered the .ida vulnerability which is being used by this worm as its infection vector. The above advisory details our research of that specific vulnerability. We worked with Microsoft to help them create a patch for the .ida vulnerability. SecureIIS - Application firewall, stops known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities. http://wwww.eeye.com/secureiis We do produce a product that protects IIS web servers from attack which is one of the reasons that we were so quick to research this worm. Funny enough in our initial testing we couldn't get the worm to work because we forgot we had SecureIIS enabled on the lab web server. heh. I have been infected by this worm what can I do? ------------------------------------------------ The first thing you must do is goto the Microsoft security site, as referenced above, and install the .ida patch ASAP. The worm will remain in memory until you reboot your server so make sure to reboot after installing the .ida patch. I think I am infected, how can I tell? -------------------------------------- An infected system will show an increase in load (processor/network). It will also show a number of external connections (or attempts) to port 80 of random IP addresses. You can see this by doing a "netstat -an" from a MS-DOS prompt. Either way do not take any chances... if your system is missing the .ida patch then install it ASAP and reboot. How to setup your IDS to detect this specific worm? --------------------------------------------------- The following is part of the packet data that is sent for this .ida "Code Red" worm attack: GET /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3% u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0 Just add that to your IDS signature database. What are some common misconceptions about the "Code Red" worm? -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. It connects to worm.com. This worm only specifies www.worm.com in the initial HTTP GET request HOST: header and in the defaced page show on English (US) systems. This worm does _not_ connect to www.worm.com. This worm operates completely independent and can spread and infect systems without having a single point of failure. What that means is that this worm will be wild on the Internet until there is a _VERY_ high degree of systems that go and install the .ida patch. 2. This worm is based off of hsj's "proof of concept" .ida exploit. This worm is _NOT_ based off of hsj's "proof of concept" .ida exploit. His exploit code had no worm functionality. It was a simple exploit shell that had little to no implicit functionality. It was designed to prove to administrators the seriousness of this vulnerability so that they would install patches ASAP. Credits ======= Ken Eichman of Chemical Abstracts Service Matthew Asham of Left Coast Systems Corp and a large handful of administrators who gave us much needed data to piece this together. Signed, eEye Digital Security T.949.349.9062 F.949.349.9538 http://eEye.com/Retina - Network Security Scanner http://eEye.com/Iris - Network Traffic Analyzer http://eEye.com/SecureIIS - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities "Its not a virus! Its a worm!" - z3r0 c00l "Whats this one eat?" - l0rd n1k0n "th1s 0n3 34ts 11S s3rv3rs!" - ch4m3l30n h4ck3rs --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
yea, looks nice in the web logs -
[Fri Jul 20 04:46:22 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 05:08:46 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 05:26:26 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 05:53:42 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 06:05:16 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 06:43:10 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 07:01:04 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 08:24:39 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 08:56:57 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 08:57:32 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header
[Fri Jul 20 09:04:30 2001] [error] [client] Client sent
malformed Host header - - [20/Jul/2001:08:24:39 +1200] "GET
0%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 318 "-" "-" - - [20/Jul/2001:08:56:57 +1200] "GET
b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 318 "-" "-" - - [20/Jul/2001:08:57:32 +1200] "GET
b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 318 "-" "-" - - [20/Jul/2001:09:04:30 +1200] "GET
%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 318 "-" "-"
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
[mailto:owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz]On Behalf Of Chris Rigby
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 9:19 AM
To: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz
Subject: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.
I think this is something we should all be aware of for those of you not
on bugtraq (which I hope most of you are.)
This attack has gone from something like 0 hits in my web logs yesterday
to 11 in the last 4 hours
Some people are estimating over 12,000 hosts infected already.
Also to worry about are later announcements that :
"A notable side effect of this.. the worm signature is wreaking havoc with
Cisco 675, 677, and 678 DSL routers that have the Web Based Configuration
Interface enabled."
since they lock up when "?" is sent to them in a URL.
And apparently has issues for some 7500 size routers.
The main thing I'm concenred over is that the worm is programmed to flood
www.whitehouse.gov between 20:00pm and 23:59 (local system time). I'm not
looking forward to what effect this might have on the internet.
Escpecially the small outbound links in NZ.
Chris Rigby
Senior Systems Engineer
IHUG - Into the Internet
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2001 22:40:11 -0700
From: Marc Maiffret
From kernel32.dll: GetSystemTime CreateThread CreateFileA Sleep GetSystemDefaultLangID VirtualProtect
From infocomm.dll: TcpSockSend
From WS2_32.dll: socket connect send recv closesocket
Finally the worm stores the base address of w3svc.dll which it will later use to potentially deface the infected website. 4. Check the number of threads the worm has created. CODEREF: seg000:00000512 FUNC_LOAD_DONE Here the worm seems to perform a WriteClient (Part of the ISAPI Extension API), sending "GET" back to the attacking worm. This possibly could be a way of telling attacking worms that they have successfully infected a new host. Next the worm code will count the number of worm threads already in action. If the number of threads is 100 then control is shifted to the Worm hack web page functionality. If the number of threads is below 100 then the worm creates a new thread. Each new thread is an exact replica of the worm (Using the same code base). The worm now continues its path of execution. 6. Checks for the existence of c:\notworm CODEREF: seg000:0000079D DO_THE_WORK There seems to be a to be built in "lysine deficiency" (See Jurassic Park, or Caesar's paper on this at www.rootkit.com). A "lysine deficiency" is a built in check to keep malicious code from spreading further. In this case the "lysine deficiency" is a check for the existence of the file c:\notworm. If this file exists then the worm will become dormant. This means it will not attempt to make connections out to other IP addresses to try to infect. If this file does not exist then the worm continues onto the next step. 7. Check the infected systems time (computer clock) CODEREF: seg000:00000803 NOTWORM_NO The worm will now check the infected systems local time (in UTC). If the hour is greater then 20:00 UTC then the worm will proceed to goto the first step of the attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality. If the time is less than 20:00 UTC then the worm will attempt to continue to try to infect new systems. 8. Infect a new host (send .ida worm to a "random" IP address on port 80). At this point the worm will resend itself to any IP addresses which it can connect to port 80 on. It uses multiple send()'s so packet traffic may be broken up. On a successful completion of send, it closes the socket and goes to step 6... therefore repeating this loop infinitely. Worm hack webpage functionality ------------------------------- This functionality is called after a hundred threads are spawned within the worm. 1. Check if local system default language is English us then goto step 6 of core worm functionality. CODEREF: seg000:000005FE TOO_MANY_THREADS The first thing the worm does is get the local codepage. A codepage specifies the local operating system language (I.E. English (US), Chinese, German etc...). It then compares the local codepage against 0x409. 0x409 is the codepage for English (US) systems. If the infected system is an English (US) system then the worm will proceed to deface the local systems webpage. If the local codepage is not English (US) then this worm thread will goto step 6 of core worm functionality. 2. Sleep for 2 hours. CODEREF: seg000:00000636 IS_AMERICAN This worm thread now sleeps for 2 hours. We anticipate that this is to allow the other worm threads to attempt to spread the infection before making a presence known via defacing the infected systems webpage. 3. Attempt to modify infected systems webpages in memory. CODEREF: seg000:0000064F HACK_PAGE This worm uses an interesting technique called "hooking" to effectively deface (alter) an infected systems webpages. Hooking is modifying code in memory to point to code that the worm provides. In this case the worm is modifying w3svc.dll to change the normal operation of a function called TcpSockSend. TcpSockSend is what w3svc.dll (IIS core engine) uses to send information back to the client. By modifying this, the worm is able to change data being written back to clients who request web pages of an infected server. To perform hooking, first the worm makes the first 4000h bytes of w3svc.dll's memory writable. In a normal situation the memory for w3svc.dll (and basically all mapped dll's) is read-only. It uses the function VirtualProtect to change the memory of w3svc.dll to be writable, saving the old state to a stack variable. It then uses the saved codebase of w3svc.dll (from step 3 of core worm functionality) as a start point to search the import table (again see PE header documentation) for the address of TcpSockSend. Once the address for TcpSockSend is located the worm then replaces TcpSockSend's actual address with an address within the worm. The address that TcpSockSend now points to is a function within the worm that will return the "Hacked by Chinese !" webpage. The CODEREF for this function is seg000:00000C9A FAKE_TCPSOCKSEND. This thread of the worm now sleeps for 10 hours. During this 10 hours all web requests to the infected server will return the "Hacked by chinese !" webpage. After the 10 hours is up this thread will return w3svc.dll to its original state, including re-protecting memory. Execution after this proceeds to step 6 of the core worm functionality. Attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality --------------------------------------- Sooner or later every thread within the worm seems to shift its attacking focus to www.whitehouse.gov. 1. create socket and connect to www.whitehouse.gov on port 80 and send 100k byes of data CODEREF: seg000:000008AD WHITEHOUSE_SOCKET_SETUP Initially the worm will create a socket and connect to (www.whitehouse.gov/www1.whitehouse.gov) on port 80. CODEREF: seg000:0000092F WHITEHOUSE_SOCKET_SEND If this connection is made then the worm will create a loop that performs 18000h single byte send()'s to www.whitehouse.gov. CODEREF: seg000:00000972 WHITEHOUSE_SLEEP_LOOP After 18000h send()'s the worm will sleep for about 4 and a half hours. It will then repeat the attack against www.whitehouse.gov (goto step one of Attack www.whitehouse.gov functionality). Appendix ======== This is associated information about the "Code Red" worm including how to stop the worm, commentary on the worm, and dispelling common misconceptions about this worm. How to secure your system from this .ida "Code Red" worm? --------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft patch for this .ida vulnerability http://www.microsoft.com/technet/treeview/default.asp?url=/technet/security/ bulletin/MS01-033.asp The worm spreads itself to new vulnerable systems via the .ida vulnerability. Applying this patch will keep your server from being infected. However, as stated earlier, because of the way the worm creates its list of "random" IP addresses to attack, you could still be affected by a high traffic overload denial of service. eEye Digital Security Advisory for .ida vulnerability http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Advisories/AD20010618.html We initially discovered the .ida vulnerability which is being used by this worm as its infection vector. The above advisory details our research of that specific vulnerability. We worked with Microsoft to help them create a patch for the .ida vulnerability. SecureIIS - Application firewall, stops known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities. http://wwww.eeye.com/secureiis We do produce a product that protects IIS web servers from attack which is one of the reasons that we were so quick to research this worm. Funny enough in our initial testing we couldn't get the worm to work because we forgot we had SecureIIS enabled on the lab web server. heh. I have been infected by this worm what can I do? ------------------------------------------------ The first thing you must do is goto the Microsoft security site, as referenced above, and install the .ida patch ASAP. The worm will remain in memory until you reboot your server so make sure to reboot after installing the .ida patch. I think I am infected, how can I tell? -------------------------------------- An infected system will show an increase in load (processor/network). It will also show a number of external connections (or attempts) to port 80 of random IP addresses. You can see this by doing a "netstat -an" from a MS-DOS prompt. Either way do not take any chances... if your system is missing the .ida patch then install it ASAP and reboot. How to setup your IDS to detect this specific worm? --------------------------------------------------- The following is part of the packet data that is sent for this .ida "Code Red" worm attack: GET /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3% u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u531b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0 Just add that to your IDS signature database. What are some common misconceptions about the "Code Red" worm? -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. It connects to worm.com. This worm only specifies www.worm.com in the initial HTTP GET request HOST: header and in the defaced page show on English (US) systems. This worm does _not_ connect to www.worm.com. This worm operates completely independent and can spread and infect systems without having a single point of failure. What that means is that this worm will be wild on the Internet until there is a _VERY_ high degree of systems that go and install the .ida patch. 2. This worm is based off of hsj's "proof of concept" .ida exploit. This worm is _NOT_ based off of hsj's "proof of concept" .ida exploit. His exploit code had no worm functionality. It was a simple exploit shell that had little to no implicit functionality. It was designed to prove to administrators the seriousness of this vulnerability so that they would install patches ASAP. Credits ======= Ken Eichman of Chemical Abstracts Service Matthew Asham of Left Coast Systems Corp and a large handful of administrators who gave us much needed data to piece this together. Signed, eEye Digital Security T.949.349.9062 F.949.349.9538 http://eEye.com/Retina - Network Security Scanner http://eEye.com/Iris - Network Traffic Analyzer http://eEye.com/SecureIIS - Stop known and unknown IIS vulnerabilities "Its not a virus! Its a worm!" - z3r0 c00l "Whats this one eat?" - l0rd n1k0n "th1s 0n3 34ts 11S s3rv3rs!" - ch4m3l30n h4ck3rs --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
:: yea, looks nice in the web logs - [Excessive quoting snipped] Please trim your quotes before posting. -- Juha --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Ok, tell you what, I'll trim my posts if you cut your posts to just relevant stuff, not 10-20 mails a day of off topic drivel, hows that for a deal. -----Original Message----- From: owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz [mailto:owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz]On Behalf Of Juha Saarinen Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 9:52 AM To: tony.wicks(a)telstrasaturn.co.nz; nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz Subject: RE: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm. :: yea, looks nice in the web logs - [Excessive quoting snipped] Please trim your quotes before posting. -- Juha --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Don't exaggerate Tony. -- Juha :: -----Original Message----- :: From: Tony Wicks [mailto:tony.wicks(a)telstrasaturn.co.nz] :: Sent: Friday, 20 July 2001 09:57 :: To: Juha Saarinen; nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz :: Subject: RE: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm. :: :: :: Ok, tell you what, I'll trim my posts if you cut your posts :: to just relevant :: stuff, not 10-20 mails a day of off topic drivel, hows that :: for a deal. --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
At 9:56 am +1200 7/20/01, Tony Wicks wrote:
Ok, tell you what, I'll trim my posts if you cut your posts to just relevant stuff, not 10-20 mails a day of off topic drivel, hows that for a deal.
Now, now, kiddies. Just admit that you're both as bad as each other, kiss, and make up. Oh, and you forgot to trim your posts again Tony. You might want to lose Outlook. It's a nasty piece of work - you could end up spreading viruses with it. -- Andrew P. Gardner barcelona.com stolen, stmoritz.com stays. What's uniform about the UDRP? We could ask ICANN to send WIPO a clue, but do they have any to spare? Get active: http://www.tldlobby.com --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
I'm not sure if it is this attack or not (because I firewall incoming port 80) but I have has a 500% increase in hits to that firewall rule over the same number yesterday. Hmmmm Interesting Dean On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 09:19:26AM +1200, Chris Rigby wrote:
I think this is something we should all be aware of for those of you not on bugtraq (which I hope most of you are.)
This attack has gone from something like 0 hits in my web logs yesterday to 11 in the last 4 hours
Some people are estimating over 12,000 hosts infected already.
--------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
12 hits on my home server only... many more on the IDG ones :-( -- Juha :: -----Original Message----- :: From: owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz :: [mailto:owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz] On Behalf Of Dean Pemberton :: Sent: Friday, 20 July 2001 09:38 :: To: Chris Rigby :: Cc: nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz :: Subject: Re: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm. :: :: :: I'm not sure if it is this attack or not (because I firewall :: incoming port 80) but I have has a 500% increase in hits to :: that firewall rule over the same number yesterday. :: :: Hmmmm Interesting :: :: :: Dean --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Dean Pemberton wrote:
I'm not sure if it is this attack or not (because I firewall incoming port 80) but I have has a 500% increase in hits to that firewall rule over the same number yesterday.
cache5:/var/log/squid# grep -c "http://www.worm.com/default.ida" access.log 88440 Looks like we get to spend all day phoning customers. -- Simon Lyall. | Newsmaster | Work: simon.lyall(a)ihug.co.nz Senior Network/System Admin | Postmaster | Home: simon(a)darkmere.gen.nz ihug, Auckland, NZ | Asst Doorman | Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
:: cache5:/var/log/squid# grep -c :: "http://www.worm.com/default.ida" access.log :: 88440 :: :: Looks :: like we get to spend all day phoning customers. "In testing we have calculated that the worm can attempt to infect roughly half a million IP addresses a day and that was a ruff estimate made from using a very slow network." Wonder what this will do to us poor sods with ADSL who are charged for volume? -- Juha --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 10:17:08AM +1200, Juha Saarinen wrote:
Wonder what this will do to us poor sods with ADSL who are charged for volume?
Yeah thats a really good point - now that I'm on the Telstra Aus special plan of 3G-a-month-because-we-reneged-on-out-flatrate-agreement I bet this is going to chew into my downloading quota --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Poor Kiwis who only get figures like 600 meg / month.... [root(a)rhino httpd]# grep -c default.ida access_log 13 Since Midnight last night NZST.. Interestingly enough, this exploit got me curious.. i discovered a series of IIS exploit attempts in yesterdays log... At 10:30 20/07/2001 +1200, Dean Pemberton wrote:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 10:17:08AM +1200, Juha Saarinen wrote:
Wonder what this will do to us poor sods with ADSL who are charged for volume?
Yeah thats a really good point - now that I'm on the Telstra Aus special plan of 3G-a-month-because-we-reneged-on-out-flatrate-agreement
I bet this is going to chew into my downloading quota --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
--------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
:: Yeah thats a really good point - now that I'm on the Telstra :: Aus special plan of :: 3G-a-month-because-we-reneged-on-out-flatrate-agreement :: :: I bet this is going to chew into my downloading quota How big is each request: - - [20/Jul/2001:10:18:24 +1200] "GET /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN%u9 090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucb d3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u53 1b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 330 "-" "-" ? Spoke to a Clear customer who counted 114 hits from this morning only. :-( -- Juha --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Sample of a hacked site: http://www.reeu.com/ -- Andrew P. Gardner barcelona.com stolen, stmoritz.com stays. What's uniform about the UDRP? We could ask ICANN to send WIPO a clue, but do they have any to spare? Get active: http://www.tldlobby.com --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
try one of the ip addresses that the scans home from, like - Sample of a hacked site: http://www.reeu.com/ -- --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
I'm dumping the SYN so I get away with that as the only traffic On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 10:42:16AM +1200, Juha Saarinen wrote:
:: Yeah thats a really good point - now that I'm on the Telstra :: Aus special plan of :: 3G-a-month-because-we-reneged-on-out-flatrate-agreement :: :: I bet this is going to chew into my downloading quota
How big is each request: - - [20/Jul/2001:10:18:24 +1200] "GET /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN%u9 090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucb d3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u53 1b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 330 "-" "-"
Spoke to a Clear customer who counted 114 hits from this morning only. :-(
-- Juha
--------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
How would you do that? I think each GET request is around 250-260 bytes, if I count it right... not too much, but volume of requests seems to increase rapidly. Up to 20 hits on my home server now. -- Juha :: -----Original Message----- :: From: Dean Pemberton [mailto:dean(a)flatnet.gen.nz] :: Sent: Friday, 20 July 2001 11:01 :: To: Juha Saarinen :: Cc: 'Simon Lyall'; nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz :: Subject: Re: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm. :: :: :: I'm dumping the SYN so I get away with that as the only traffic :: :: --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
As I said before I don't have an externally acessable webserver. So I just dump all incoming packets to port 80. So this stops the problem with the SYN packet. Dean On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 11:05:00AM +1200, Juha Saarinen wrote:
How would you do that?
I think each GET request is around 250-260 bytes, if I count it right... not too much, but volume of requests seems to increase rapidly. Up to 20 hits on my home server now.
:: -----Original Message----- :: From: Dean Pemberton [mailto:dean(a)flatnet.gen.nz] :: Sent: Friday, 20 July 2001 11:01 :: To: Juha Saarinen :: Cc: 'Simon Lyall'; nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz :: Subject: Re: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm. :: :: :: I'm dumping the SYN so I get away with that as the only traffic :: ::
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To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
I'm seeing it as 2 attacks. Initial packet is a fragmented GET: length = 4 000 : 47 45 54 20 GET Next packet is the worm payload. --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Here is my experience since Saturday My Personal IIS4 Server www.awacs.co.nz start to receive this attack on Saturday and since then it has averaged 8 packets every 36 seconds or so.. Other Work that I caused this address to server an average ~8,400 unique sessions a day this related to my hosting of www.rnz.org.nz (previously www.rnz.co.nz) the BBC World and other media users. The attack is so regular in time it looks like one two or three broadcast computers which spoof there IP addresses and are robotically broadcasting to a known set of IP addresses. The purpose of which is/was to both take control and hack the Home page to say hacked by Chinese and redirect to www.worm.com. The www.worm.com connection appears to also have been planned to be a Trojan Web site. Their Domain record shows that a modification was made to the Domain Record at exactly the time the Code Red worm went into the wild. I have used a packet analyser to capture the sessions and find one of the fixed commonalities amongst the inbound packets from differing IP address is the value for the "Window" (example=17520 )in the TCP Header - but as I am not sure what to read into this value. Session Packet sizes Inbound are as follows, so you are getting billed a lot more than the single Packet Bytes 62 60 60 1514 HHTP Buffer overload 1514 Binary Payload 1169 Binary Payload 60 60 I started logging the Web packets on Tuesday and the statistics where 3036 2357 2353 (24hour periods) attacks. (regular) In speaking with the USA they think there are 5000 hosts out there blasting away... but this would cause statistical connection surges in time and this is not happening... so I think there is a small finite number of computers As we know the Destination Target IP addresses (me) would it not be possible to use this to track the path that these attacks are coming from... Michael Sutton www.awacs.co.nz +64 21 305500
-----Original Message----- From: owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz [mailto:owner-nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz]On Behalf Of Dean Pemberton Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 11:01 To: Juha Saarinen Cc: 'Simon Lyall'; nznog(a)list.waikato.ac.nz Subject: Re: Full analysis of the .ida "Code Red" worm.
I'm dumping the SYN so I get away with that as the only traffic
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 10:42:16AM +1200, Juha Saarinen wrote:
:: Yeah thats a really good point - now that I'm on the Telstra :: Aus special plan of :: 3G-a-month-because-we-reneged-on-out-flatrate-agreement :: :: I bet this is going to chew into my downloading quota
How big is each request: - - [20/Jul/2001:10:18:24 +1200] "GET /default.ida?NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN%u9 090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucb d3%u7801%u9090%u6858%ucbd3%u7801%u9090%u9090%u8190%u00c3%u0003%u8b00%u53 1b%u53ff%u0078%u0000%u00=a HTTP/1.0" 400 330 "-" "-"
Spoke to a Clear customer who counted 114 hits from this morning only. :-(
-- Juha
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--------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
I'm running Snort and ACID on some of our servers. In the last 12 hours there have been numerous attempts to infect the servers. The list of IP source addresses is currently at 36 :-( See http://www.securityfocus.com/frames/?content=/templates/archive.pike%3Flist% 3D75 for analysis. --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Anyone know of any high-profile NZ sites that have been hit (naturally so we can poke fun at time!). I notice www.village.co.nz is down, and has been for ages. From memory is an IIS hosted site --- coincidence? --cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Not NZ, but windowsupdate.microsoft.com was giving the hax0red message briefly an hour or so ago... then it looks like they pulled those machines out of the cluster. Pretty special really. Failling to patch the machines which dish out the patch, is all class. On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
Anyone know of any high-profile NZ sites that have been hit (naturally so we can poke fun at time!).
I notice www.village.co.nz is down, and has been for ages. From memory is an IIS hosted site --- coincidence?
--cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
--- Matt Camp --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
This link was taken off www.aardvark.co.nz. A nice screen shot of someone getting the hax0red page when trying to do a windows update. http://www.wss.net/winupd.jpg :-)
Not NZ, but windowsupdate.microsoft.com was giving the hax0red message briefly an hour or so ago... then it looks like they pulled those machines out of the cluster.
Pretty special really. Failling to patch the machines which dish out the patch, is all class.
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
Anyone know of any high-profile NZ sites that have been hit (naturally so we can poke fun at time!).
I notice www.village.co.nz is down, and has been for ages. From memory is an IIS hosted site --- coincidence?
--cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
--- Matt Camp
--------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Simon Allard (Senior Tool Monkey) IHUG Ph (09) 358-5067 Email: simon.allard(a)staff.ihug.co.nz "There is no spoon" --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Not NZ, but windowsupdate.microsoft.com was giving the hax0red message briefly an hour or so ago... then it looks like they pulled those machines out of the cluster.
Pretty special really. Failling to patch the machines which dish out the patch, is all class.
Since the microsoft web servers have been viunerable to an exploit since it was released a month ago.. you've got to ask yourself.. how much do you trust the patch? I had a report of someone in Canada having his virus software reporting the patch he grabbed just before the servers went away as containing a virus. BO anyone? Chris Rigby Senior Systems Engineer IHUG - Into the Internet --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 02:44:10PM +1200, Chris Rigby wrote: I had a report of someone in Canada having his virus software reporting the patch he grabbed just before the servers went away as containing a virus. It could be a false positive. Virus scanners are pretty crude devices for the most part and false postives while not as common as they once were, still can occur. --cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
I had a report of someone in Canada having his virus software reporting the patch he grabbed just before the servers went away as containing a virus.
It could be a false positive. Virus scanners are pretty crude devices for the most part and false postives while not as common as they once were, still can occur.
Would seem especially likely with patches and the like, given they could easily be seen to be doing some very virus-like things. -- Dylan Reeve - dylan(a)wibble.net "Um, yeah." --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
From: "Chris Rigby"
Since the microsoft web servers have been viunerable to an exploit since it was released a month ago.. you've got to ask yourself.. how much do you trust the patch?
One of our Web Servers was infected yesterday am, it started pumping 3mbit to other web servers. We thought the server was up to date with patches. Ironically the only reason that the server is allowed out on port 80 through the front end firewall is so it can visit windowsupdate.microsoft.com. It seems that this patch may need to be downloaded and installed manually. If we again visit windowsupdate from this server it claims that there are no patches to be installed, however we can find no evidence that the ida patch is currently installed. This differs from our other servers which clearly show the patch in the installation history. Me thinks that Microsoft should include Apache in the list of "Critical Updates" that are available. --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 04:06:03PM +1200, Brian Gibbons wrote: Me thinks that Microsoft should include Apache in the list of "Critical Updates" that are available. No software is perfect. Sooner or later something like Apache will get hit, it may never be as bad, but it still could happen. In reality, security problems exist everywhere --- its just that Microsoft legions of clueless developers seem to write more of them than anyone else. I wondered once if this was evidence that hoards of inexperienced school leavers who are employed to write code for living, really aren't as thorough as slight older, more experienced people who have some degree *professional pride* in what they write? --cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Chris and all, Boy, you sure hit the nail on the head here! I couldn't agree more. But as you know MS doesn't want to pay more for more experianced developers. As a result they get to let their customers test their code for free, and than say; "opps! we're sorry, yeah that is a bug!" Chris Wedgwood wrote:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 04:06:03PM +1200, Brian Gibbons wrote:
Me thinks that Microsoft should include Apache in the list of "Critical Updates" that are available.
No software is perfect. Sooner or later something like Apache will get hit, it may never be as bad, but it still could happen.
In reality, security problems exist everywhere --- its just that Microsoft legions of clueless developers seem to write more of them than anyone else.
I wondered once if this was evidence that hoards of inexperienced school leavers who are employed to write code for living, really aren't as thorough as slight older, more experienced people who have some degree *professional pride* in what they write?
--cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
-- Jeffrey A. Williams Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!) CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng. Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC. E-Mail jwkckid1(a)ix.netcom.com Contact Number: 972-447-1800 x1894 or 214-244-4827 Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208 --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Jeff Williams wrote:
Chris and all,
Boy, you sure hit the nail on the head here! I couldn't agree more. But as you know MS doesn't want to pay more for more experianced developers. As a result they get to let their customers test their code for free, and than say; "opps! we're sorry, yeah that is a bug!"
I understand M$ techs are not allowed to use the word "bug", unless talking about little insects. And in any case, they would likely refer to such security gaps as system enhancements. "Our new software upgrade allows for remote server access, enabling your customers and other interested parties to administer their own accounts. This may also be helpful, for example, in making adjustments and updates to their own, or other customers web pages, even from as far away as China. We appreciate that not all our customers value this service, and we have a planned inexpensive upgrade scheduled for final quarter 2003, which will allow customers to disallow remote access..." :-) Keith Davidson --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Keith and all, Keith Davidson wrote:
Jeff Williams wrote:
Chris and all,
Boy, you sure hit the nail on the head here! I couldn't agree more. But as you know MS doesn't want to pay more for more experianced developers. As a result they get to let their customers test their code for free, and than say; "opps! we're sorry, yeah that is a bug!"
I understand M$ techs are not allowed to use the word "bug", unless talking about little insects.
ROFLMAO! Well I am not sure it is that severe! But your point is well taken! >;)
And in any case, they would likely refer to such security gaps as system enhancements.
In some cases they actually make this claim, as amazing as that might sound!
"Our new software upgrade allows for remote server access, enabling your customers and other interested parties to administer their own accounts. This may also be helpful, for example, in making adjustments and updates to their own, or other customers web pages, even from as far away as China. We appreciate that not all our customers value this service, and we have a planned inexpensive upgrade scheduled for final quarter 2003, which will allow customers to disallow remote access..." :-)
Yeah that sounds about right!
Keith Davidson
--------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
Regards, -- Jeffrey A. Williams Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!) CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng. Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC. E-Mail jwkckid1(a)ix.netcom.com Contact Number: 972-447-1800 x1894 or 214-244-4827 Address: 5 East Kirkwood Blvd. Grapevine Texas 75208 --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 02:36:11PM +1200, Matt Camp wrote: Not NZ, but windowsupdate.microsoft.com was giving the hax0red message briefly an hour or so ago... then it looks like they pulled those machines out of the cluster. Pretty special really. Failling to patch the machines which dish out the patch, is all class. Actually, even though this isn't really an example hierarchal trust models, it certainly demonstrates the weaknesses of such models. Assume, for example, that windowsupdate.microsoft.com was a secure site (or had a secure section in it) that was responsible for delegating certificates of some kind of other authorization token to services further down the chain. Crunch. The top of the hierarchy getting hosed is very evil. This is one of my nits about Verisign, even though they have fragmented things a little, they are still more or less a single-point of authority out there for millions of web-sites. Still, DNS is not better if not worse :) --cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
I notice www.village.co.nz is down, and has been for ages. From memory is an IIS hosted site --- coincidence?
Hmmm, you're right. Can you define 'ages' here, I seem to remember looking up a movie on that, just last night. They're one of our customers (for net connectivity only), I may just give them a call, see if I can help. Applying the patch is a 5 min job. I'm sure they don't want their web server offline all day, just for that. JSR -- John S Russell | "What the hell is he building in there... Operations Manager | he has a router...and a table saw..." Attica/Callplus NZ | - Tom Waits, Mule Variations --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 04:12:21PM +1200, J S Russell wrote: Hmmm, you're right. Can you define 'ages' here, I seem to remember looking up a movie on that, just last night. Ages... for a web-server I would call 10 minutes 'ages'. It must have been 2 hours (7.2e+12 processor cycles) or so, so that's aeons isn't it? --cw --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
On Fri, Jul 20, 2001 at 04:12:21PM +1200, J S Russell wrote:
Hmmm, you're right. Can you define 'ages' here, I seem to remember looking up a movie on that, just last night.
Ages... for a web-server I would call 10 minutes 'ages'.
<aol>Me too</aol> [1] I just wanted to see if the Code Red event and their outage were linked. It's back up now, apparently the two events were unrelated, and Infinity fixed whatever problem they were experiencing about 10 minutes after I called them. JSR [1] I've just realised that for true aol-ness, that should read "Me two" or "Me to" -- John S Russell | "What the hell is he building in there... Operations Manager | he has a router...and a table saw..." Attica/Callplus NZ | - Tom Waits, Mule Variations --------- To unsubscribe from nznog, send email to majordomo(a)list.waikato.ac.nz where the body of your message reads: unsubscribe nznog
participants (17)
Andy Gardner
Brian Gibbons
Chris Rigby
Chris Wedgwood
Dean Pemberton
Dylan Reeve
Gordon Smith
J S Russell
Jeff Williams
Juha Saarinen
Keith Davidson
Mark Foster
Matt Camp
Mike Sutton [ awacs ]
Simon Allard
Simon Lyall
Tony Wicks