ASO Call for Comments on Nominees for ICANN Board Seat
Dear Colleagues,
Following a public nomination period that closed on 22 February 2009,
the ASO Address Council (ASO AC) selected the final set of candidates to
fill the ASO seat on the ICANN Board. This seat is currently held by
Dave Wodelet, whose term expires in May 2009.
The candidates are:
- Jody Daniel Newman
- Ray Plzak
- Jordi Palet Martinez
- Rajesh Chharia
- Suzanne Woolf
- Barry Shein
The candidates listed above agree to serve in an ASO seat on the ICANN
Board of Directors if selected by the ASO Address Council. In April
2009, the ASO AC will make its final selection to appoint one of these
individuals to fill the ASO Board seat.
To aid them in making their final selection, the ASO AC members request
public comments and statements of support for the candidates. The public
comment period will remain open until 23:59 (UTC) on 9 April 2009.
You can provide your comments and statements of support for the
candidates on the aso-announce mailing list. These will be publicly
archived at:
Alternatively, if you would prefer not to subscribe to that mailing
list, you may submit your comments directly to the ASO AC Nominations
Committee by sending an email to
participants (1)
Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi