I have compiled a list of Domains which have "Broken SPF Records". These are domains which have SPF records which are invalid due to a number of reasons (explained on the website). This is not a complete record, but a large number of them. The RFC (RFC 4408) says if a SPF record is invalid (and a Mail Server is properly checking for them) then it is valid to reject email from that Domain completely (something which most people won't want on a Domain) Please note there is a LOT of domains listed which have "v=spf2.0 ... etc" which isn't a SPF nor Sender-ID record, and people should fix them up or delete them as they do nothing. Please See: http://spam.co.nz/spf/broken/. There is a number of .nz and NZ related Domains on this list so if you have any relationship with them, you might want to get them fixed. More and More large companies in NZ have correct SPF records (Xtra,Trademe,ICONZ,Datacom) Thanks Craig Whitmore http://www.spam.co.nz
participants (1)
Craig Whitmore